
Product IT

Enterprise IT Transformation and Automation

Zymat helps customers re-think their enterprise IT operations with scalable, business-aligned operating models that are flexible and adaptable to future needs. This is enabled by our intelligent platforms that automate the entire IT service delivery lifecycle.

Product IT Transformation

Transformative evolution of enterprise IT to digitally accelerated IT requires a fundamental shift in aligning IT capabilities to business outcomes. A key enabler is the shift to a product IT operating model (also called the digital or DevSecOps operating model) which brings together business and IT and aligns them to customer journeys and business value streams.

Key principles of our integrated approach toward product-based development are:

1. Integrated automation:

Automation should be fully integrated into SDLC (software development lifecycle) to ensure there is a fully functional CI/CD(continuous Integration & continuous development) pipeline with an appropriate toolset right from the onset, along with built-in governance. This enables customers to deliver high-quality products with low deployment lead time, ensures minimal to no change failure rate, and fixes any major production incidents with a minimum mean time to restore.

2. Agile delivery model:

The approach includes industry-standard agile practices like Scrum, Kanban, and SAFe, with the flexibility to tweak the model to achieve industry-standard deployment frequency.

3. Quality engineering:

By focusing on test automation and integrating it into the development process, we help our customers create high-quality products that meet business requirements and can be deployed quickly.

4. Application programming interfaces:

An effective API-based architecture is a strong solution as it provides an extensible framework of building blocks, which can be used to build powerful applications and software products.

5. DevSecOps:

It’s fundamentally important that security is built into the delivery pipeline to ensure products are fault tolerant and foolproof. We bake in our customers’ existing security tools and processes while integrating other relevant security solutions to ensure that threats are always kept at bay.

6. Cloud, microservices, and containers:

We work closely with our customers to understand their product vision and road map, business priorities, competition, the pace of market transition, and industry trends. We then advise them about our services, such as cloud infrastructure, microservices, and containers making it much easier to scale up or down in minutes without disturbing ongoing business operations.

7. Organizational culture:

We also contribute to our clients’ organizational changes. Our change management approach focuses on addressing five key aspects – inadequate management alignment, lack of skills and experience, unavailability of business product owners, fragmented tooling and standards, and poor visibility of performance and progress.

We harness the transformative evolution of enterprise IT to digital accelerated IT through;

Operating Model Design and Implementation:

We help customers navigate the change and achieve critical outcomes of reduced time-to-value, complemented by agile, cloud, quality engineering, IT modernization, and security.

Platform-led Delivery:

Composable Automated Platform for Enterprises (CAPE) enables and accelerates the shift to product IT at scale through automation of end-to-end Dev-to-Ops value streams.

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