

Government and Public Services

Civil Government

Zymat is committed to helping governments improve how they serve citizens day to day. The Civil Government Sector provides solutions to help communities operate efficiently and effectively, spanning all levels of government across a wide range of programs, from taxes to environmental protection.

Defense, Security, and Justice

In the wake of sophisticated and unpredictable threats, governments and organizations must navigate today’s disruptive, geo-political landscape. Zymat’s agile solutions contribute to a more robust and more cost-effective defense agenda, without sacrificing the overall mission of organizations.

Non Government Organzations

We believe globalization, radical transparency, and social media’s prevalence have forever changed how stakeholders view and interact with organizations. In an era of unprecedented social engagement, strategic nonprofit marketing, communications, and activation have never been more important.

What’s more, the growing demand for corporations and brands to engage authentically with social and environmental issues has raised the standards for CSR and citizenship, providing a growing number of ways that NGOs can partner with companies.

Zymat team through research has proven that it’s no longer enough for a non-profit to stand for a social issue and participate in traditional fundraising and development activities. To attract, retain and build favored status with individual and corporate donors and stakeholders, organizations until we;

  • Clearly understand, define, and manifest their core purpose
  • Connect their efforts to timely movements and causes that inspire passion
  • Identify, build, and drive relationships with diverse stakeholders
  • Deliberately engage in sophisticated brand-building activities

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