
Cloud Advisory

Zymat also helps migrate traditional IT into cloud to provide always-on elastic IT that can adapt to business pressures and accelerate innovation. The core mission of our cloud services is to MOVE our customers to cloud, LIVE in cloud through efficient operations, and UNLOCK business value by leveraging new cloud capabilities.


Cloud Advisory Services

To thoroughly understand the corporate context of its clients, Zymat works closely with them. To complement cloud plans, our experts develop business cases with a metrics-driven ROI path. We develop a framework for public, private, and hybrid clouds, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS cloud types, reference architectures, security standards, and cloud management platforms. With the help of our strategic partnerships, we assess the current state of applications and infrastructure and recommend the most beneficial and optimal to-be state.

Cloud Strategy and Roadmap

We help you align to a common cloud vision and establish a roadmap to build a digital foundation, improve IT agility, and enhance sustainability.

Cloud Architecture and Planning

Create a cloud reference framework with the help of Zymat MVC, SOA, Microsoft CAF, and AWS WAF, as well as cloud reference architectures for enterprise clouds or SAP on Azure.

Cloud Security

End-to-end cloud security for apps, infra, data, workplace, and compliance along with geo and industry-specific security posture assessment.

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